Meet the THINKERS Behind Shape’s Innovation

Shape inventors were recently awarded for their brilliant innovation and constant forward-thinking. Engineers were given awards in front of leadership in late March and mid-April.

Jeff Piper, vice president of strategy and innovation, described the importance of innovation and why these members deserve recognition, “These contributions to innovation are a critical part of our future and we want to formally recognize these significant contributions,” said Jeff.

Innovation is key to the growth of Shape. Jeff further explained that for these awards, everyone is eligible, “These are the folks that have been part of awarded patents or have contributed to a significant innovation at Shape,” said Jeff.

The team members that were recognized include:

  • Brian Oxley, product manager
  • Joe Matecki, product manager
  • Dan Gatti, technical manager,
  • Brian Malkowski, product development leader
  • Tom Johnson, director of engineering
  • Cort Corwin product development engineer IV
  • Devesh Kumar Soni, CAE engineer IV
  • Toby Jacobson, product manager

A very big thank you to our THINKERS, working for a brighter future for Shape.