Shape China Wins Training Award

Shape China Wins Training Award

After completing the challenging course design and development workshop in November, Shape China conducted delivery skills training for new trainers. The training focused on adult learning theory, teaching skills (including verbal and non-verbal skills), as well as presentation and feedback skills to help the participants deeply understand how to be an excellent trainer. At the end of the course, the participants were encouraged to utilize a mind-map to summarize what they learned from the training. For the action learning, the participants were required to pass a teaching demo by using the skills they learned. Now, we have an internal training team with 19 people including 6 managers who lead the […]

Shape Opens Second Facility in China

Shape Opens Second Facility in China




2016年12月4日上午,顺普所有羽毛球的爱好者都聚集在了昆山飞凡羽毛球馆,举行顺普中国的第四届羽毛球友谊赛。比赛一共分三类项目:男单、女单及双打。虽然已到初冬季节,但在球馆内丝毫感觉不到一丝凉意,大家都配备了最好的装备。在热身活动后,激烈的比赛就此展开。别看我们的女选手人数上不占优势,可是在实力上,一点都不输给我们的男同胞们,“巾帼不让须眉”,给你们点赞!最引人注目的是双打,因为不仅要拼球技,还极考验团队间的默契,打的十分壮观,获得广大观众们的阵阵掌声。 在整场比赛中,大家都表现出了自己的精湛球技,相较去年都长进很多。最后宗志权、张静、鹿萌及章亮分别夺取了男单、女单、双打的桂冠。未得奖的伙伴们也不气馁,再接再厉,争取明年再创佳绩。愉悦工作,乐享生活!